Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital

reimagining how
to save lives

In the heart of St. Louis, the next level of pediatric care is beating strong. Using innovative technology, advanced treatments and compassionate care, Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital is tackling the most critical challenges and reimagining how to save lives.

With a history of giving freely to those in need, the generous hospital recognized that it too needed support. Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital Foundation sought to launch a capital campaign to raise critically needed funds to support the hospital and help it further advance its mission. 

We created two directions for Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital—one emphasizing the hospital’s commitment to forge the future of medicine and one positioning the hospital as life-saving angels protecting childhood. 

Direction 1

Direction 1

Direction 2

Direction 2


Which campaign would you open your wallet for? Figured if you saw both, you’d be twice as likely to donate.


